I just finished reading "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams. For those that don't know, Scott ...

Dilbert, Failing and Personal Energy: A Book Review

I just finished reading "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams. For those that don't know, Scott Adams created Dilbert, that Sunday comic strip I never understood at age 10. His book is equally witty, entertaining and poignant.

Adams' life values are closely aligned with my own, and part of my enjoyment was certainly due to the pats on the back I gave myself every time my habits mirrored those of somebody so successful. Still, most of the books I read are doomed to be returned to the library and perhaps contemplated but not purchased. I think this book might have earned itself a coveted place on our bookshelf.

Of all the stories and advice, one overarching theme sang to me most marvelously: personal energy. Adams' talks about your personal energy levels as the key to being successful at just about everything. The book was filled with his tips for maximizing personal energy.

The conceptualization also helped me identify my own strategies for increasing personal energy, particularly before particularly tough workouts. And it has helped me identify some of the things that drain my energy unnecessarily. For example, an inconsistent workout schedule (i.e. mixing things up) exhausts me. For others, constant repetition (i.e. consistency) may be equally exhausting. Being in pajamas and cold weather also drain my energy terrifyingly fast.

But that's not all the book talks about. You can learn how to win the lottery (hint: it involves living a very, very, very long life), how to eat anything you want and not be fat, and how to cure the incurable. Sound hokey? Well, it really, really isn't. It's well researched, well-written and embarrassingly funny (if you're reading it on a crowded BART train).


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